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QT-1,  QT-2-PrizeCrew,


Based on

Modified Schweizer SGS 232 Glider

The Eleven YO-3As

built by

 Lockheed Missiles & Space Company (LMSC,) Sunnyvale California 1969

Mission Equipment designed at built by Xerox Electro-Optical

Pasedena California 1969-70 



YO-3A 69-18000

This was Lockheeds "House Plane." Over twenty major and minor modifications were made to the YO-3A airplanes in Vietnam based on the work at Sunnyvale. 000 was also used by LMSC to promote its sales and was demonstrated to various law enforcement agencies. In 1972 this airplane was donated to the Army Aviation Museum, Ft. Rucker Alabama. It is in a hanger apart from the Museum displays. It can be seen if you contact the director.

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